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There is a powerful new player on the field when it comes to regenerative medicine--amniotic fluid.  Ok, amniotic fluid is actually not new at all.  In fact, amniotic fluid has been around for just as long as we mammals have; it's the fluid that surrounds a baby in the womb to nourish it and protect it from the outside environment.  However, tapping into the power of amniotic fluid as a stimulant for regenerative healing is as cutting-edge as it gets.

Back Pain is a very common ailment that can range from pesky to debilitating.  It is estimated that almost everyone will suffer from low back pain at some point in their life.  Sometimes referred to as lumbago or lumbar/sacral pain, low back pain can be brought on by a precipitating event (like a sports injury or an accident), or may come on more gradually.  In either case, when low back pain persists for over 3 months, it is considered chronic.